A cyclical mood modify in which program of field incurvation are interspersed with episodes of mania or hypomania:1% of the population is affected.Most patients initially present with a manic episode in adolescence or young adulthood,but 20% present with a field depression. Antidepressant therapy is usually contraindicated in patients with a cyclical mood modify because it may provoke a manic program .Patients with a field depressive program and a prior history of 'high' ( mania or hypomania __ which can be pleasent/euphoric or irritable/impulsive ) and a family history of bipolar modify should not be aerated with antidepressants but must be reffered promptly to a psychiatrist.
A cyclical mood modify in which program of field incurvation are interspersed with episodes of mania or hypomania:1% of the population is affected.Most patients initially present with a manic episode in adolescence or young adulthood,but 20% present with a field depression. Antidepressant therapy is usually contraindicated in patients with a cyclical mood modify because it may provoke a manic program .Patients with a field depressive program and a prior history of 'high' ( mania or hypomania __ which can be pleasent/euphoric or irritable/impulsive ) and a family history of bipolar modify should not be aerated with antidepressants but must be reffered promptly to a psychiatrist.
This manic sickness emit a marked rising of mood,characterized by euphoria,overactivity and disinibition.The social disability of manic sickness can be severe,with disinhibited behavior leading to significant debts ( from overspending and ver generousness ),lost relationships ( from promiscuity ),social exclusion and lost job ( from reckless or disinhibited behavior ).Some patients have a rapid cycling illness,with frequent swings from one mood land to another.A MIXED AFFECTIVE land occurs when features of manic sickness can seen in the same program.CYCLOTHYMIA is a personality trait with spontaneous swings in mood not sufficiently severe or persistnt enough to warrant added diagnosis.
Some grouping may be diagnosed with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. This is when a person has four or more episodes of major depression, mania, hypomania, or mixed symptoms within a year. Some grouping experience more than one program in a week, or even within one day. Rapid cycling seems to be more common in grouping who hit nonindulgent bipolar disorder and may be more common in grouping who hit their first program at a younger age. One study institute that grouping with fast cycling had their first program about four years earlier, during mid to late teen years, than grouping without fast cycling bipolar disorder. Rapid cycling affects more women than men.
Varying moods and forcefulness levels have been a part of the human experience since time immemorial. The words "melancholia" (an old articulate for depression) and "mania" have their etymologies in Ancient Greek. The articulate melancholia is derived from melas, message "black", and chole, message "bile" or "gall", indicative of the term's origins in pre-Hippocratic humoral theories. Within the humoral theories, mania was viewed as arising from an immoderateness of yellow bile, or a mixture of black and yellow bile. The linguistic origins of mania, however, are not so clear-cut. Several etymologies are proposed by the Roman physician Caelius Aurelianus, including the Greek articulate ‘ania’, message to produce great mental anguish, and ‘manos’, message relaxed or loose, which would contextually approximate to an unrestrained relaxing of the mind or soul . There are at least five other candidates, and part of the confusion surrounding the exact etymology of the articulate mania is its varied usage in the pre-Hippocratic poetry and mythologies.
The pathophysiology of Bipolar I Disorder is poorly understood. However, a difference of imagery studies suggests the involvement of structural abnormalities in the amygdala, basal ganglia and prefrontal cortex. Research is today showing that this disorder is associated with abnormal brain levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and more
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