Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chronic fatigue syndrome depression is not the kind of tired feeling that goes away after you rest


There has probably been more controvery over the existence and cause of chronic tedium syndrome than any another functional syndrome in recent years.This is echolike in its uncertain arrangement as NEURASTHENIA in the medicine arrangement and MYALGIC ENCEPAHLOMYELITIS under neurological disorders.There is now beatific grounds for this syndrome, although the diagnosis is prefabricated clinically and by exclusion of another fatiguing disorders,Its figure is 0.5% in the UK,although deviant fatigue as a symptom occurs in 10-20%.It occurs most commonly in women between the ages of 20 and 40 years old. The cardinal symptoms is chronic tedium prefabricated worsened by minimal exertion.

The tedium is usually fleshly and mental,with related poor concentration,impaired registration of memory,irritability,alteration in rest pattern (either insomnia  or hypersomnia ),and muscular pain.The study myalgic encephalomyelitis is decreasingly utilised within medicine because it implies a pathology for which there is no evidence.

if you hit nonindulgent chronic fatigue for six months or longer and all another known conditions that could cause fatigue hit been excluded by your health-care provider, or if you simultaneously hit quaternary or more of the following symptoms: significant problems with short-term module or concentration, painful throat, tender lymph nodes, muscle pain, discompose in individual joints without swelling or redness, headaches that are different in pattern or rigor from preceding headaches, feeling bushed and unrefreshed modify after sleeping, and extreme tiredness lasting more than 24 hours after you exercise or hold yourself.

Chronic fatigue syndrome affects tens of thousands of people. It occurs more commonly in females than in males. This condition occurs most commonly in young to middle-aged adults. People with CFS are often unable to perform ordinarily at impact and home because of their long-term fatigue and problems with short-term memory. This crapper lead to depression, but incurvation is not a cause of CFS.


Functional disorders often hit aetiological factors in ordinary with apiece another as well as  more specific aetiologies.For instance,Chronic tedium syndrome crapper be triggered by certain infections,such as communicable mononucleosis and viral hepatitis.About 10% of patients with infectious mononucleosis hit chronic tedium syndrome 6 months after the communicable onset,yet there is no grounds of persistent incident in these patients.Those tedium states which clearly do follow on a viral incident crapper be classified as Post viral fatigue state.

Other aetiological factors allow fleshly state and rest difficulties.Immune and endocrine abnormalities noted in chronic tedium syndrome may be alternative to the state or rest disturbance commonly seen in patients.Mood disorders are inform in a large minority of patients,and can cause problems in dignosis because of the large intersection in symptoms.

These feeling disorders may be secondary,independent (co-morbid).or a primary with a misdiagnosis of chronic tedium syndrome.The role of stress is uncertain,with some communication that the influence of stress is mediated through consequent medicine disorders exacerbating fatigue,rather than any direct effect.

Fatigue is a ordinary symptom in some illnesses, but CFS is a multi-systemic disease and is relatively rare by comparison. Symptoms of CFS allow distributed hooligan and joint pain; cognitive difficulties; chronic, often severe, mental and physical exhaustion; and other characteristic symptoms in a previously healthy and astir person. CFS patients may report additional symptoms including hooligan weakness, hypersensitivity, orthostatic intolerance, digestive disturbances, depression, poor immune response, and cardiac and respiratory problems. It is unclear if these symptoms represent co-morbid conditions or are produced by an underlying cause of CFS. All diagnostic criteria require that the symptoms must not be caused by other medical conditions. The quality of life is "particularly and uniquely disrupted " in CFS........ read more

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